Convert 1 3/5 to an improper fraction;
-1 × 5 + 3/5 ÷ -2/3
Simplify 1 × 5 to 5
-5 + 3/5 ÷ -2/3
Simplify 5 + 3 to 8
-8/5 ÷ -2/3
Use this rule: a ÷ b/c = a × c/b
-8/5 × 3/-2
Use this rule; a/b × c/d = ac/bd
-8 × 3/5 × - 2
Simplify 8 × 3 to 24
-24/5 × -2
Simplify 5 × -2 to -10
- 24/-10
Move the negative sing to the left
Simplify 24/10 to 12/5
Simplify brackets
Convert to a mixed fraction
= 2 2/5