❤️Hello!❤️ The third-person limited POV uses words like he/she and his/her to tell the story and refers to the characters by their names. The narrator does not take a part in the story and tells it from an outside perspective. However, because it's 3rd person limited, you know the thoughts/feelings of a single character.
Go through each excerpt and figure out which ones are 3rd person and which ones use a limited POV.
All the excerpts use 3rd person because you don't see an "I/we" (1st person) or a "you" (2nd person), and they all use "he/she/her/him/names of characters."
However, only two excerpts let you into the mind/thoughts & feelings of one character. In B, you can hear the character, the man, conclude that "It certainly as cold," which is something you would not know unless you knew the thoughts of the character. In C, you can hear that the man "was disappointed at first that she had not put on something more elaborate" and that "he had rather expected that a butler would announce dinner." These are also things you would have not known without a limited POV. Also notice that only one character's thoughts are heard and you can't hear the thoughts of the dog in B or Judy Jones in C.
Your answers are B and C. Hope this helps! ↪️ Autumn ↩️