If it moves 7 m/s and never slows down or speeds up, and it keeps doing this for 20 seconds, then it will cover 7 meters in the 1st second, 7 meters in the 2nd second, 7 meters in the 3rd second, 7 meters in the 4th second, 7 meters in the 5th second, and so on and so forth, twenty times. All together, it'll cover
7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7 meters
What I did there was: I wrote down ' 7 ' twenty times.
Now, there's a much easier way to write it.
In arithmetic, a little dot like this --> · <-- means "times", so we can write
20 · 7 and then we can work it out with our calculator or our pencil.
20 · 7 = 140 meters .