Calories: A unit of energy that a particular food provides
Calories are not bad for you. You need calories to grow and give your body the right sustenance. Different foods provide a different amount of calories, including the foods you eat every day.
Watching your diet and what you eat is important, because too many calories can lead to too much weight gain. As I said, calories are not bad for you. Just too much will lead to an unhealthy weight.
Kids, teenagers and adults are suffering from obesity more and more because of their diet and the foods they eat. In the 21st century, new foods are coming out, more and more of which are unhealthy junk foods. Junk foods contain lots of calories, and the leptin does not kick in. Leptin is the hormone in your body which tells you to stop eating because you are full. Well a lot of the time, these junk foods quiet the leptin, so you just keep eating because the leptin doesn't tell you when you are full.
Keeping a good diet and watching what you eat is important when you are growing up. Your body needs the right nutrients, but not to many of them. You need to watch how many calories you intake, because too many can lead to life changing consequences.