13- The effort to ease tensions between the United States and the USSR in the 1970s was called Detente, and took place during the Nixon administration.
14- Using the U.S. military to intervene in civil war where communism was being fought wouldn't be consistent with the American policy of containment, as the purpose of this policy was to defeat the Soviet Union by preventing the expansion of territory under the control of communist regimes through indirect actions, not through military operations.
15- Gorbachev's glasnost reform policy called for openness of speech and expression.
Glasnost was a policy that was carried out along with perestroika by the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, from 1985 to 1991. Compared to perestroika, which was concerned with the economic restructuring of the Soviet Union, the glasnost was concentrated in liberalizing the political system. This stipulated freedoms for the media to have greater confidence to criticize the government.
16- What led to the partition of India in 1947 was an increasingly situation of religious tensions between the Islamic and Hindu populations of the area.
17- The decolonization of Africa occurred because of African nationalism along with changing attitudes towards imperialism in the European countries.
The decolonization of Africa was based on three different circumstances: the desire of African peoples to became independent, European distraction for world affairs and popular resentment against racism and inequality.
18- The independence movements in Africa and Asia following World War II were led by the decline of economic interests in the colonies.
19- Following World War II, Japan adopted a parliamentary government. After the atomic bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan presented its unconditional surrender, so it was occupied by the United States, which dismantled the army, liberated the occupied areas, suppressed the Emperor's political power and determined that the prime minister would be elected by the Parlament.
20- Ghandi used nonviolent resistance to gain independence for India. He established new social struggle methods such as the hunger strike, rejected the armed struggle and carried out a preaching of the "ahimsa" (nonviolence) as a means to resist British rule.
21- The effect of the American troops leaving South Vietnam was that South Vietnam was reunited by force with North Vietnam and became a single communist nation.