Answer: 1) Tone: the attitude of a piece of writing. 2) theme: the main idea of a text. 3) Motif: a distinctive feature in a text. 4) Imagery: visually descriptive language. 5) Shakespearean sonnet: a poem with fourteen lines.
Step-by-step explanation: The tone of a text or sentence is the author's or speaker's attitude towards the audience, the subject or even the characters of the text. The theme is the underlying message of a story, it is what critical belief about life is the author trying to convey in the writing of a novel, play, short story or poem. In a literary work, a motif can be seen as an image, sound, action, or other figure that has a symbolic significance. Imagery is a literary device that consists in the use of figurative language or detailed descriptions in order to evoke the senses of the reader and to create a mental picture. And a Shakespearean sonnet is a poem with fourteen lines.