The energy for erosion comes from many sources. Mountain building creates a state of affairs inside the Earth's landscape thanks to the creation of relief. Gravity acts to vertically move materials of upper relief to lower elevations to provide AN equilibrium. Gravity additionally acts on the mediums of abrasion to cause them to flow to base level.
Solar radiation and its influence on region processes is another supply of energy for erosion. fresh water includes a mechanical energy imparted thereto once it falls from the atmosphere. Snow has mechanical energy once it's deposited in higher elevations. This mechanical energy may be born-again into the energy of motion once the snow is born-again into flowing glacial ice. Likewise, the motion of air thanks to variations in gas pressure will erode surface material once velocities ar high enough to cause particle entrainment.
The Erosion Sequence
Erosion may be seen as a sequence of 3 events: detachment, entrainment, and transport. These 3 processes ar usually closely connected and typically demanding distinguished between one another. one particle could endure detachment, entrainment, and transport again and again.