1 Identify the prime numbers in the following lists.
a. 5, 7, 12, 11=5,7,11
b. 14, 6, 3=3
c. 31, 17, 9, 15=31,17
d. 782, 61, 2=61, 2
2. Indicate whether the number is divisible by 2, by 3, or by 5.(Note: Some numbers may be divisible by more than one of these numbers.)
a. 450=2,3,5
b. 31=none
c. 18,652=2
d. 455=5
3. Write out the prime factor of the following numbers.
a. 15=3,5
b. 21=3,7,
c. 38=2,19
d. 42=2,3,7