4 votes
Could Someone Re-phrase this for me?

Our story is set on the planet Venus, on which "it had been raining for seven years." People live on Venus in tinnels and we see school children debating whether or not the rain will stop like the scientists predict. There's a girl named Margot, who was born on earth and is diffeent from the rest of the children. She "stood alone. She was as if she has been lost in the rain for years." There's lots of excitement ad anticipation for the rain, but there is also a lot of tension between Margot and the rest of the students.

The rension between the children and Margot grows as Margot continues to tell the chilren that the sun will come out. The other children dont agree and the tension grows and becomes physical. One of the boys "gave her a shove. Bur she did not move: rather she let herself be mved only by him and nothing esle." Margot remembered the sun, but the other students didn't. The the children "surged about her, caught her up and bore her, protesting and then pleading, then crying back into a tunnel, a room, a closet, where they slammed and locked the door.

After the students pushed Margot into the closet door, the teacher called them back to prepar them to go outside. Them, the rain stopped. The world ground to a standstill. The silene was so immense and unbelievable. The children went outside to play. They were so happy and began to lay out, laughing, on jungle matress, and heard it sigh and squeak under them. They clibed trees and had the best of times. Then all of a sudden, a little girl feels rain drops.

The rain returned and all of the students were rushed back into the dome and tunnels. The children had their moment of joy, but now it's back to the rainy normality of Venus. The, the children suddenly realize that Margot is still locked in the tunnel closet. They stood as if someone had dricen them, like so many stakes, into the floor. The children felt awful and realized they had to let her out. They walked over to the closet door slowly and stood by it. Behind the closet door was only silence. They unlocked the door, even more slowly, and let Margot out.

User Fahadkalis
6.8k points

1 Answer

2 votes

On Venus it rained a lot everyone was confident that it was gonna keep raining. One girl, Margot, was from earth and she knew what it was like to see sun. The other kids did not. She tried telling the kids that one day the ran would stop. They would push and shove her because they thought she was crazy and making things.

They pushed here into a closet and locked her in their. And then the rain stopped. They was in awe because they had never seen sun every body was really excited. Eventually it started to rain again. Everyone was huddled inside the tunnels.

The kids forgot about How they locked Margot in the closet. They went to unlock the closet and she was standing their. They thought she was crazy but now they knew she was right. The sun would come out. They felt awful.

I hope this is what your looking for i really do. make sure to thank me and accept my friend request.

User Sahil Hariyani
6.5k points