According to Lanyon, R. I., & Goodstein, L. D. (1997). Personality assessment. John Wiley & Sons, based on their arguments the correct answer would be: a) responding to questions in a true-false format or multiple choice format, which is natural to American college students, may be an awkward or alien way of answering in other cultures.
Nevertheless, also Costantino, G., & Malgady, R. G. (1983). Verbal fluency of Hispanic, Black and White children on TAT and TEMAS, a new thematic apperception test. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 5(2), 199-206 found that the responses provided to tests like TAT and TEMAS, is not homogeneous among different cultures, such as Hispanic, African American, etc. though not particularly Nordic one and not because of the representation of their bodies but for the meaning of the images in their own cultures, therefore B is incorrect. C and D have no scholar basis.