Since it is stated as serious burns I would say that you would treat it for second degree burns:
- Run cold water over the burn gently: do not quickly splash it through multiple times as it will only further irritate the burn and make sure that the water is not turned on to full pressure
- Put an ice pack that has been run in cold water and wrapped in a microfiber cloth on the burn: Do not apply ice directly to skin especially if you haven't run through cold water as this will cause the ice to stick to the burn and further damage the skin. Do not wrap the ice in a paper towel as the towel will saturate and come apart in the wound and can result in infection
- Carefully apply a doctor recommended burn ointment (be sure to check the label as ointments can expire and therefore will not help and can actually make the wound worse) After applying ointment carefully apply a burn reducing bandage with cooling technology to sooth the burn
- Depending on the size and location of the burn seek professional medical attention to determine whether an anti-bacterial ointment is needed