You can answer this question by playing a little game with the answers (or the question).
Put your left hand over the answers. You don't want to be thinking about them right now.
In A, what number follows the last 2. This is not a trick question. Take a guess. If you said 6 you would be right. Can an irrational number do that? No it can't. If you don't believe me, do you believe that pi is irrational. If you do, press the pi button on your calculator. Whatever it returns, what is the next digit. You have a 1 in 10 chance of guessing correct.
A is wrong.
What number comes after three in answer C. You must have guessed that correctly.
C is not the right answer.
How about D? That one is also pretty easy to guess.
One of the definitions you could use for an irrational number is that if you are given a digit somewhere can you tell what the next digit is. Another definition is that it goes on forever.
So what about B. What's the next digit after the 5. Don't know? neither do I. The answer is B