Bonjour !
1: What does the word in capital letters mean in the following sentence?
On utilise son nez pour sentir.
- nose
2: Choose the best response to the following question.
Which body part is not found on your head ?
- L'estomac
3: Decide if the following sentence is contextually CORRECT or INCORRECT
William a la tête sur les genoux. Incorrect
4: Fill in the blank with the French word that best completes the following sentence.
Andréa a beaucoup de cheveux sur sa tête.
5: What does the underlined word mean in the following sentence?
Il faut une bouche pour manger.
- mouth
6: Which of the following is NOT on your hand ?
- le visage
7: Decide if the following sentence is contextually CORRECT or INCORRECT.
Paul n'a pas beaucoup de cheveux sur la tête. Correct
8: Choose the best response to the following question.
Which of the following do you use to hear ?
- les oreilles
9: Choose the best response to the following question
Which of the following is not on your upper body ?
- le pied
10: Decide if the following sentence is contextually CORRECT or INCORRECT.
Olivier se brosse les lèvres tous les matins. Incorrect
Correct is : Olivier se brosse les dents tous les matins.
11: Decide if the following sentence is grammatically CORRECT or INCORRECT
Nous allons acheté un nouveau bureau.
Correct is : Nous allons achetER un nouveau bureau.)
12: Which expresses the futur proche the best?
Laurie (s'amuser) dans un parc d'attractions.
Laurie va s'amuser dans un parc d'attractions.
13: Decide if the following sentence is grammatically CORRECT or INCORRECT.
Nous allons nous brosser les dents. Correct
14: Fill in the blank with the correct form of aller.
Je vais manger au restaurant.
15: Fill in the blank with the correct form of aller.
Nous allons partir à l'école.
16: Vous allez faire vos devoirs.
17: Choose the best translation of the following sentence.
I am not going to eat that banana.
Je ne vais pas manger cette banane.
18: Which expresses the futur proche the best?
Jean va passer un examen.
19: Decide if the following sentence is grammatically CORRECT or INCORRECT.
Tu aller regardes la télévision. Incorrect
Correct is :Tu vas regarder la télévision
20: Choose the best translation of the following sentence.
What are you going to do ?
Qu'est ce que tu vas faire ?
21: Decide if the following sentence is grammatically CORRECT or INCORRECT.
Je vais sortir avec Wes vendredi. Correct
22: Which expresses the futur proche the best?
Marie va jouer aux échecs avec Zach.
23: Decide if the following sentence is grammatically CORRECT or INCORRECT.
Jean a soif ! Il va boire de l'eau. Correct
24: Which expresses the futur proche the best?
Tu vas avoir une bonne note.
25: Choose the best translation of the following sentence.
I am going to brush my teeth.
Je vais me brosser les dents.