Marquis de La Fayette was a French military, aristocrat and politician. He fought for the United States in the War of Independence (against the British Empire), serving as a general, and in which he was considered one of the heroes. Following this was a close friend of George Washington, Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson. He was convinced that the American cause in the revolutionary war was noble, so he traveled to the New World seeking glory. There, he was appointed Major General, although at the beginning he was not given troops to command. He was wounded in the Battle of Brandywine, but he could still organize an orderly withdrawal. He served with distinction in the Battle of Rhode Island. In the middle of the war, he returned home to lobby for an increase in French support and returned to America in 1780, where he was awarded high positions in the Continental Army. In 1781, troops under his command in Virginia blocked Cornwallis-led forces until other American and French reinforcements could position themselves for the decisive Yorktown Siege.