Answer with explanation:
There are two ways to represent when there are variate in data set .
1.→Discrete Data set
2.→Continuous Data set
→→In discrete data set , variate are written in a Column and number of times each variate appear is written on the right of each variate first through Tally marks and then through frequency that is numerical representation.
For example: Consider the data set , 2,2,4,5,4,6,7,7,2,3,3,5,8,4,6
Variate Tally Marks Frequency
2 ||| 3
3 || 2
4 ||| 3
5 || 2
6 || 2
7 || 2
8 | 1
→→→In Continuous data set,data set is represented with the help of Class interval and then through tally marks and then through frequency.
For example :Consider the data set , 5,8,12,14,15,18,23,24,26,27,34,36,38,39.
Class Interval Tally Marks Frequency
0-10 || 2
10-20 |||| 4
20-30 |||| 4
30-40 |||| 4
So,we represented data set in two ways along with their Frequency.
→This representation is called Frequency Distribution.