Long haul care (LTC) is nevertheless one bit of a continuum of consideration that extends from living at home totally autonomously to the 24-hour supervision and care gave in LTC offices. Individuals need to remain at home to the extent that this would be possible and to hold as much autonomy as they can, and they are frequently helped in doing as such with casual consideration given by family and companions. These substances ought to advise the discussions around the development of the continuum of consideration. Canada's spending on office-based long haul care places us amidst the pack among OECD nations; on the off chance that we think about the entire of proceeding with consideration, consolidating LTC, steady lodging/helped to live and locally established medicinal services, Canada emerges as spending the most elevated extent (among the 15 nations thought about) on office-based consideration. Foreseeing the quantity of new long haul care beds required later on is troublesome on account of moving needs and changes in administration conveyance - new stops on the continuum of consideration. It is very conceivable to arrange an arrangement of consideration that incorporates a continuum from locally situated consideration to steady lodging and helped to live to LTC that de-underscores this last advance. The expanding old populace in Canada won't convey an end time to the medicinal services framework, yet thinking about this populace will require a redistribution of assets to build the accentuation on home and network-based administrations. Our anticipating exactly what number of (assuming any) new long haul care beds are required and our appraisal of sensible access to those beds need to lay on a dream for the full range of consideration and regard for the wants of the populace we are attempting to serve.