5 votes
Is my grammar correct? I always look over my work multiple times, I just want to make sure. No translators. Thank you.

Salut Émilie !

Je me réveille toujours à sept heures du matin. Après je me réveille, je me lève et se douch (*I had to exclude the "e" at the end of douch+e because I guess it qualifies as an inappropriate word; douch+e means to shower), s'habiller, se peigner, manger petit-déjeuner, et brosser mes dents.

Après l’école, je me repose un peu et je fais mes devoirs.

Je mange le dîner à six heures pile du soir. Je lis un livre à neuf heures et je me couche quand je suis vraiment fatiguée.

En général, tu le lèves vers quelle heure?

Au revoir !

I wrote it to translate to the following in English:

Hello Emilie!

I always wake up at seven in the morning. After i wake up, i get up and shower, get dressed, comb my hair, eat breakfast, and brush my teeth.

after school, i relax a little and i do my homework.

i eat dinner at exactly six o'clock in the evening. i read a book at nine o'clock and i go to bed when i am really tired.

in general, around what time do you wake up?


2 Answers

0 votes
There’s not many things that you need to fix. Capitalization is a must in new sentences along with where you place “And”. One of your sentences is “i always wake up at seven in the morning. After i wake up, i get up and shower, get dressed” etc. Since you only should have one “And” in a sentence (depending on how it is). You should change it to, “I always wake up at seven in the morning. After I wake up, I get up, shower, get dressed, comb my hair, eat breakfast, and brush my teeth.” As for your last sentence, “I eat dinner at exactly six o’clock in the evening. I read a book at nine o’clock and I go to bed when I am really tired.” I would change it to, “I eat dinner at exactly six o’clock in the evening, read a book at nine, and go to bed when I’m very tired.” These are just small suggestions that I would put. A tip to see if you’re using proper grammar is by reading your essay out loud and seeing if it sounds right. If it doesn’t, change it to what you think would. I hope this helps you out!!
User Israelm
5.4k points
2 votes


Salut Émilie,

Je me réveille toujours à sept heures du matin. (Après je me réveille = FALSE ==>) Après m'être réveillée, je me lève et me d o u c h e, je m' habille, je me peigne, je mange mon petit-déjeuner (= "I eat my breakfast"; you could say = "je prends mon petit-déjeuner" = "I have breakfast" if you learned it...) et je me brosse les dents. (not " je me brosse MES dents" ... you are brushing YOUR teeth.... don't have to use the possessive MES in French ...)


You coorectly used the reflexive verbs "se réveiller" & "se lever" = je me lève

the following have to be used the same way ....


Après l'école, je me repose un peu et je fais mes devoirs.



Je dîne ( = manger le dîner = verbe "dîner") à six heures du soir pile. (better "pile" after "du soir". Je lis un livre à neuf heures et je me couche quand je suis vraiment fatiguée.


En général, tu te lèves vers quelle heure ?

Au revoir !

Just a few mistakes with the reflexive verbs, but it's great !!!

Ask me if you need to ☺☺☺

User Skin
5.7k points