D.A nonmetal atom transfers electrons to a metal atom.
Step-by-step explanation:
Metals are chemical elements that have as their main physical characteristic the ability to lose electrons and, consequently, form metal cations. For this reason, they can perform two types of chemical bonds: the ionic bond and the metallic bond.
The metal bond is established between atoms of a single metal element. This type of bonding occurs only between atoms of a single metal and exclusively because a metal cannot establish chemical bond with another different metallic element.
In the metal bond, the crystalline lattices that form the metals are actually an ionic cluster (composed only of cations and electrons). The electrons present in the valence layer of the metal atoms are delocalized, that is, they leave the valence layer, causing the atom to become a cation (electron deficient).
After being delocalized, the electrons from the metal atoms surround the cations, forming a true "sea of electrons". Each of the electrons in this sea has the ability to move through the crystal lattice of the metal freely.