D. there was a wide gap between the nobility and the peasants.
Step-by-step explanation:
Russia at the begining of the 20th century lacked the way of life that characterized the Western European societies since the Industrial Revolution.
A large empire, the largest of that time, with huge natural reserves and yet a huge population that was predominantly living in the poorest conditions.
Most of the people in Russia served as peasants, working in harsh conditions in rural areas, or as serfs , to the disposal of the Lords. The aristocracy was the right hand of the Tzars who have been in power for centuries and still did not took the reforms necessary for keeping updating with a fast changing world.
Since most of the people served the nobles and the peasants were treated almost like slaves in many cases, the feudal system practically left untouched, a series of social unrest were soon to emerge in Russia were a revolution would destroy all traces of monarchies , even as late attempts by Nicolas II came untimed.