Hola, Como Estas? In the election of 1844, James K. Polk defeated Henry Clay for president. Polk was known as "Young Hickory" ,after Andrew Jackson, due to his similar beliefs and his birth in Pineville, NC only some 20 miles from Jackson's birthplace.Polk ran on a very clear "Manifest Destiny" platform.In the 1840s and 1850s, many Americans felt that God had "manifestly" destined the American people to spread their democratic institutions over the entire continent and even over South America as well. To vote for Polk was to vote for expansion. Polk's victory was perceived by him as a "mandate" by the American peopleāan order to go ahead with expansion of the United States. Manifest Destiny played a huge role in the election of 1844 and is what ultimately decided who the Presidency would go to.-Autumn