An observation is _______. c. made using any of the five senses.
It is the way the researcher uses when she / he gathers data. To observe may be the step that follows or preceedes a researcher's claim. If the researcher departs from a claim, then she / he will gather data from reality to back up her/ his claim. If the researcher observes ,first, then, she / he will get theoretical information to explain what she / he has observed. Then, the claim will be made.
These options are not correct:
a. a possible explanation for events using prior knowledge. If it is an explanation, it is rational. To obseve implies activating the senses to gather empirical data. Therefore, there is no explanation but exemplification from reality.
b. always quantitative . If the data obtained from the observation are recorded with figures and percentages, then the way in which the data are studied is quantitative but not the observation in itself.
d. always qualitative. If the data obtained from the observation are described through narratives , then the way in which the data are studied is qualitative but not the observation in itself.