1 5/12
To subtract fractions, we must find a Common Denominator for the two fractions.
We can find a common denominator simply by multiplying the denominators by eachother.
Now we also have to multiply the numerator by what the denominator was multiplied by, so everything is equal.
3*3=9 so 9/12
1*4=4 so 4/12.
If Leons brother is 4 and 9/12 tall, we can multiply the denominator by the whole number and add it to the numerator to get an improper fraction. This makes it possible to subtract.
4*12=48 and dont forget to add the extra 9! Leons brother is 57/12 tall. Now just subtract.
57/12-4/12=53/12 or 4 and 5/12.
Leon is 4 and 5/12 tall.
Hope this helps!