a) Electrostatic force between proton and proton will be repulsive. Electrostatic force between proton and neutron will be attractive .Electrostatic force between neutron and neutron will be zero. Strong nuclear force between proton and proton , neutron and proton and neutron and neutron will be attractive and their magnitude will be far greater . Electrostatic force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between two particles and the nuclear force is inversely proportional to greater power of the distance between the particles. In other words nuclear force between any two nuclear particles changes at very fast rate when we change the distance between them.
b) If the number of neutron in nucleus is decreased , the average distance between any two protons is decreased . Due to it, the repulsive force between them is increased. Therefore nucleus becomes less stable.
Step-by-step explanation:
c) After the nuclear reactions like fusion or fission , total mass of the product is less than the total mass of total reactant . It is due to conversion of some mass of reactant into energy. This energy is released as heat, light and sound energy. The product becomes more stable.