1. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the preterite tense.
Nosotros pusimos la dirección en el sobre. (poner)
2. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the preterite tense.
Yo estuve en la tienda. (estar)
3. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the preterite tense.
Carlos anduvo al parque. (andar)
4. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the preterite tense.
Nosotros estuvimos en el hotel. (estar)
5. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the preterite tense.
Yo puse las maletas en mi habitación. (poner)
6. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the preterite tense.
Reinaldo puso la carta en el sobre. (poner)
7. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the preterite tense.
Tú no pudiste hacer la tarea. (poder)
8. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the preterite tense.
Yo puse mi libro encima de la mesa. (poner)
9. Yo pongo UNA _________en el sobre.
10. Yo puse la carta en el _______.
11. Yo pongo las cartas en
el buzón
la tarjeta postal
la estampilla
12. When used in the preterite tense, the verb "saber" means
to speak
to go out
to find out
13. Yo __________el sobre en el buzón.
14. Ellos ____________a la biblioteca.
15. Yo ___________la carta a mi amiga en Nicaragua.
Step-by-step explanation:
In questions 1 - 8 we have to conjugate the verb in brackets in Preterite. The Preterite is used to describe actions completed at a point in the past.
1. Pusimos is the conjugation of the verb poner (to put) in preterite indicative, 1st person plural Nosotros (we)
2. Estuve is the conjugation of the verb estar (to be) in preterite indicative, 1st person singular Yo (I)
3. Anduvo is the conjugation of the verb andar (to walk) in preterite indicative, 3rd person singular Él (He)
4. Estuvimos is the conjugation of the verb estar (to be) in preterite indicative, 1st person plural Nosotros (we)
5. Puse is the conjugation of the verb poner (to put) in preterite indicative, 1st person singular Yo (I)
6. Puso is the conjugation of the verb poner (to put) in preterite indicative, 3rd person singular Él (He)
7. Pudiste is the conjugation of the verb poder (can) in preterite indicative, 2nd person singular Tú (You)
8. Puse is the conjugation of the verb poner (to put) in preterite indicative, 1st person singular Yo (I)
9. Estampilla (Stamp) is the correct option, because the indefinite article UNA is in singular-feminine form, and estampilla is the only feminine noun of the options.
10. Sobre (envelope) is the correct option. The sentence in English is : I put the letter in the Envelope (sobre). The other options are Stamp (sello) and Sink (Lavabo), which don´t make sense in the context.
11. El buzón (The mailbox) is the correct option. The sentence in English is "I put the letters in the Mailbox (El buzón). The other options are The postcard (la tarjeta postal), and the stamp (la estampilla), which don´t make sense in the context.
12. To find out is the correct option. To speak means "hablar" and To go out means "salir".
13. Puse (put) is the correct option. The sentence in English is: I put (puse) the envelope in the mailbox. The other options are Estuve (was) and Pude (could), which don´t make sense in the context.
14. Anduvieron (walked) is the correct option. The sentence in English is: They walked to the library. The other options are Pusieron (put) and Supieron (found out) which don´t make sense in the context.
15. Mandé (sent) is the correct option. The sentence in English is: I sent the letter to my friend in Nicaragua. The other options are Puse (put) and Anduve (walked) which don´t make sense in the context.