I challenged the Soviet union to tear down the Berlin wall. I also maintained a hard line against communism. --- Ronald Reagan
I made the decision to drop the atomic bomb, but I also became known for the Marshall plan and docutrune of containment.--- Truman
I pulled missiles out of Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis and I prevented the Cold War from escalating into a nuclear war--- I'm pretty sure this Khrushchev
Communist Bloc- Stalin
I was good friends with the leaders of the Soviet Union and the United States and helped end the Cold War by bringing them together --- Thatcher
my policies were designed to give more personal and economic freedom to people in the Soviet Union I had good relations with many leaders in the Western Bloc --- Gorbachev
my Administration created the idea of brinkmanship going to the brink of nuclear war to achieve our aims --- Ike. aka Eisenhower