1. Do you take Orange juice in the morning?
Oui, je prend le jus d'orange le matin
Non, je ne prend pas le jus d'orange le matin
2. Do, You take coffee in the morning?
Oui, je prend le cafe le matin
Non, je ne prend pas le cafe le matin
3. What do you take at dinner, milk, water, tea or cocoa?
Je prend (Choose one: du lait (milk), de leau (water), du the (tea), du cocoa)
4. Do you sometimes take limonade?
Oui je prend quelque fois la limonade
Non, je ne prend pas quelquefois la limonade
5. What type of transportation do you take to go to school?
Je prend (Choose one: Voiture (car), Bus, je marche(I walk))
6. Where could you watch a movie?
On peu regarder le film dans (Choose one: Le telephone(phone), la tablet(tablet), l'oridinateur (computer))
7. what do you find in a library?
On trouve (Choose One: Les livres (books), magazines (magazines))
So the questions can have 2 answers. it based on your personal preference and what you do. the questions with "ne" and "pas" means you don't do it. The questions with the 'choose One" means that you can choose one answer.