Hey man here are some stuff that can be used to help answer your question, I looked up some research to help you realize that Mexicans are very special and you should be very proud to be one.
Some of the tribes and ancient civilizations are inspiring:
Some of the world’s major cultures lived and developed here. Just visit the archeological cities of Teotihuacán, Tulum and Chichén Itzá to feel inspired by the magic of those ancient civilizations that preceded us.
The terrain makes many people want to live there:
Deserts, woodlands, jungles, beaches, plains: few countries can claim such diversity. Mexico is a land with many territories, where after the most mysterious mangrove comes a cosmopolitan city, and a colonial one, and then a surprise-filled mountain range. It’s the best place to dream and live.
Hard working people:
In contrast to the cliché of the sombrero-clad guy leaning against a nopal cactus, Mexicans actually dive into projects we believe in and don’t rest until they get off the ground. That well-known Mexican ingenuity enables us to realize our greatest and most surprising dreams with minimal resources yet endless creativity.
Many actors etc. have risen and contributes something good:
Filmmakers, actors, athletes, writers, engineers, visual artists: in every region in the world is a Mexican contributing amazing, original ideas that make the difference. And most interesting of all: we do innovative things without giving up our identity or values. Wherever a countryman lands, there is a powerful piece of our country.
Food is the best:
In 2010, the Unesco named Mexican cuisine Intangible Cultural World Heritage. From the stand on the corner to the finest restaurant, our dishes are exported and adapted the world over. Plus, Mexican culinary versatility makes delicacies from around the planet.
Hope this helped!