The US is changing and will never be the same. As the US progresses through years, to decades, to centuries, etc. the US’ demographics are changing, whether this be considered good or bad is up to the audience. Demographic changes are changes in a population, typically in the form of an ‘average’ statistic, for example: average age, or percentage of Hispanics in the population. This means that the changes in sexuality, average age, and racial distribution in the US are all statistics relevant to the question.
Firstly, different sexualities in America are becoming more accepted as time goes on, for example gay pride month (June). Since some sexualities are more accepted, more people are coming out as those sexualities, thus this demographic for LGBTQ+ members in the US population is increasing. Secondly, the average age in the US is increasing, or in other words, the average US citizens’ age is older than it was before. The demographic changed from and average age of 20 to 35, which is most likely caused by the decline in birth rates and the migration of young people out of the US. Finally, the racial distribution in the US has changed as whites take up less of a percentage of the US population than they used to, as people come to the US to start new lives. This is also because people of all races are accepted in the US.
In conclusion, America’s demographics are everchanging in the sense that America is becoming more inclusive. This is evident due to the increase of LGBTQ+ members in the US, and the increase of range and percentages of races other than white in the US. Not only this, but the average age of a typical American citizen has increased from 20 to 35.