From careful observation, one can conclude that the contrast word that signals the first supporting detail in the paragraph is other. This This question is frankly a difficult one because when you first begin the text, the literal first (1) sentence uses a contrasting word; difference. However, if you can analyze text properly, you will notice that sentence (1) is introducing the concept of the book...not supporting detail. Thus, that word is eradicated. After reading the text another time, one will notice that after sentences (2) and (3) which provide the loving messages "mother love" gives, the phrase on the other hand is used. After the transition phrase, sentence (4) goes on to provide supporting details (in this case descriptions) of what "father love's" words are. The transition phrase in contrast can stumble an individual because, though it is, in fact, a contrast word, it is not signaling supporting details. Instead, the phrase signals the beginning of the contrasts between mother love and father love. The reason the answer to this question is other and not the phrase on the other hand is merely because you can ONLY provide a one-letter word...