Before answering this question it is necessary to know the conversion factors for temperatures.
273 k = 0 ° C
To transform a temperature from Kelvin to ° C we use the following Formula
T ° C = T Kelvin - 273
For 373 K
373K -273 = 100 ° C
373 Kelvin equals 100° C.
To transform a temperature from ° C to ° F we use the following formula:
(T° C x 9/5) + 32 = T ° F
For 0 ° C
(0° C x 9/5) +32 = 32 ° F
0° C equals 32 ° F.
For 100° C
(100 ° C x 9/5) +32 = 212 F
100 ° C equals 212 ° F.
Therefore, the correct option is the first:
373 Kelvin = 100 ° C = 212 ° F