Well, I will expect the manager to used the steps in this manner
• The manager should find a safe place and time to talk about the conflict-This ensures there is a constructive communication because the workers in the conflicts have to feel safe when talking about the issue. This will allow then to take the risk involved for telling the truth about the conflict. Getting a private place and a neutral room to talk is vital thus it should not be another person’s office. The time for the meeting should be acceptable and convenient for both parties.
• The manager should get clarification on individual perception involved in the conflict-Each side should have equal opportunity to express his or her views and understanding of the conflict. Unclear issue are difficult to resolve. Parts of the conflicts should be sorted out to avoid hearing of matter which are unrelated to the problem. Emotions should be eliminated in the situation and each party should understand that participation is vital for effective conflict resolution.
• The manager should take an active and empathetic listening stand-As a manager, it is important to listen carefully to what is being conveyed in order to resolve the misunderstanding. Empathy will help the manager and team members identify thoughts and feelings of other persons thus stand in the capacity of understanding the other person’s point of view. A good listening stand can led to negotiation process.
• The manager should focus on a win-win outcome in generating the options. This strategy in conflict resolution aims at accommodating all sides and create the sense of fairness. The manager should therefore explore the options and be creative enough in selecting alternatives. This approach requires handling one concern at a time, starting with the issue that both sides agree is worthy of discussion. Forming a mutual accepted criteria will ensure good solutions to problems are easier to formulate.
• The manager should come up with an agreement that is accepted by all parties-During the conclusion step, the manager can summarize the agreed solutions to each problem, summarize all the ideas and note them down. The noted items are then restated back to the parties to ensure that they all agree with both the goal of the solution and the procedure to arrive at the solution.