3 - Equilibrium: occurs when the supply for a good is exactly equal to the quantity demanded by the consumers.
4 substitute goods / name brand: substitute goods are those that have little difference in relation to the good usually demanded.
5- Cost inflation: it occurs when the final price of a good increases due to the increase in the cost of the inputs.
6- Unemployment: occurs when a person does not find work activity
8- internationalization of labor: it is a phenomenon that occurs in the context of technological globalization, when geographical barriers are no longer important and labor costs in distant countries may be lower.
9- Normal goods: goods that do not differ
10 - marginal efficiency: the concept of marginality suggests that a marginal value of goods decreases as consumption increases. The first piece of pizza has great marginal validity. As hunger decreases, the marginal value of each piece of pizza decreases for the consumer until it reaches zero when he will not eat more.
12- increased demand: if a firm has production facilities to increase production beyond the present, it can increase its profits by producing more.
13- rent / owner / financing
14- specialization: people tend to specialize in what they do well.
15 - shortage: by the law is supply and demand, when a good is scarce and its demand is high, the price tends to rise.