Anyone who fit the criteria in their ethnic group and who would create a perfect human and wasn't against them, the reich , in anyway.
Basicly 3 to 5 generations fully German. blond hair, blue eyes proper height. had no bodily "defect" physical, mental, or emotional in anyway. Fully supporter of the reich and proved it through work for the country.
You would be sterilized if you had extreme PTSD, or basic learning struggles. If you had a "severly sickness" (disabilites) they shipped you off to keep you away from people and treated as damaged goods. Same to if you were born without an arm or fingers. All of this was goverment ordered and approved.
if you fit the criteria your job and "privledge" would be to create the next generation regardless of age.
So yay it was pretty bad if you agreed it was horrible and if you didn't you died. Also most of the times you didn't have a choice. Even if you wanted to agree if they didn't agree with you it didn't matter straight to the nut house just because you were born unable to walk properly.