When we read the speech, the meaning of the message we receive can have a more subjective character, given that we have a greater possibility of freedom in the perception of the message. When we listen to the speech, the meaning of the message changes, because apart from what we can visually experience the message, we can also perceive the point of the one who speaks through the listening, ie his subjective experience of what he wants to say.
When we read the speech, we can always stop and think about what we read, thus increasing the possibility of our own perception, we can look deeper and enter our subjective experience more and so the significance of the message changes, because we are more subjective to the message. When listening to the speech, the fact is a "living word" that can closer to us to point out what is really important and thus eliminate possible misconceptions.
Depending on what kind of message it is, it is sometimes better to listen to the point, while it is sometimes better to read and think before we conclude what the message or meaning of a particular speech is. Thus, it also depends on what is easier to understand.