5 votes
What do you predict about the apparitions’ last two predictions in The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act IV? Do you think the seeming impossibility of their happening means that Macbeth is safe, as he believes? Or do you think there will be a way for what seems impossible to happen? Explain your answers in a paragraph or two that speculates about what might occur later. Base your speculations on what has happened so far.

2 Answers

5 votes


I believe that even what we, and Macbeth, may think of as impossible or something would not happen, actually will. As if stated earlier in the play, "Fair is foul and foul is fair". This tells us readers that we should be expecting the unexpected. Macbeth is not safe, and his belief that witches were trying to help him in his quest is wrong, as they are simply evil beings that find joy in their misdeeds causing others trouble, as they have for Macbeth. I think that there is a way for the seemingly impossible to happen, and it is only a matter of time before Macbeth falls. Just as the witches were correct about Macbeth gaining power, there is no reason for them to wrong when they say, "Macbeth won't be harmed until Birnam wood comes to Dusinane". Even though Macbeth thinks this act to be impossible, the supernatural aspect of The Tragedy of Macbeth suggests that even if it does not normally make sense, we should expect such things to occur, and Macbeth will face unfortunate events.

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User Shan Kulkarni
7.1k points
1 vote

In my view, the apparitions' prophecy that "fair is foul and foul is fair" actually occurs in the play since almost everything that happens is unpredictable and nothing and nobody is what it seems. Besides, I do not think Macbeth is safe because the witches are not his friends - they just wish to propagate evil and produce mischievousness.

On the other hand, the witches' prediction that Macbeth will not be harmed by a man born out of a woman or until Birnam wood comes to Dunsinane give the impression to be unimaginable. However, given the fact that the witches have genuinely forecast that Macbeth will become powerful at the beginning of the play, I trust the their anticipations.

User Lei Zhao
7.2k points