Problem 13
You are located at the origin (0,0). If you face directly north and turn at a clockwise angle 270 degrees, then you'll end up facing (-5,0). So this is the bearing.
A bearing of 270 degrees is the same as writing "N 90° W". The notation "N 90° W" means "start looking north, then turn 90 degrees to the west". An alternative notation is "S 90° W" telling the reader "start facing south, then turn 90 degrees toward the west"
Answer: Choice B) 270°; N 90° W or S 90° W
Problem 14
Again start at the origin which is where you are located. Face directly north and turn 180 degrees clockwise until you are facing directly south. You'll be looking at the location (0,-6). Therefore the bearing is 180 degrees.
This is the same as saying "S 0° E" which says "start facing south, turn 0 degrees east". It is also the same as saying "S 0° W" meaning "Start facing south and turn 0 degrees west"
Answer: Choice B) 180°; S 0° W or S 0° E