The civil rights movement, especially during the 1960´s was particularly active for both African American and Hispanic Americans. Both groups had been suffering from segregation and unjust policies from the U.S government and state governments, which led them to deep poverty and unjust treatment. Both groups became very active in the civil rights movement of 1964 but Hispanics followed the example of African Americans in the tactics used to fight for their rights and at some point during the 1960´s Hispanics used both the ideals and principles proposed by Martin Luther King Jr. and connections with groups like the Black Panthers to also fight for their rights. Like African Americans, Hispanic American activists used the tactics of protests, campaigns, rallies and marches towards government centers and buildings and they used influential political representatives to push through for equal rights in the movement. Particularly, alliances were formed during the 1960´s between Hispanic and African American groups like the Black Panther Party and the Puerto Rican Young Lords