1) The Haitian Revolution (1791-1804) was the first revolutionary movement in Afro America and culminated in the abolition of slavery in the French colony of Saint-Domingue and the proclamation of the First Empire of Haiti.
2) The Mexican Revolution was an armed conflict that began in Mexico on November 20, 1910. The antecedents of the conflict go back to the situation in Mexico under the dictatorship known as the Porfiriato. Porfirio Díaz exercised power in the country in a dictatorial manner from 1876 to 1911.
3) The first weight leader of the Haitians was François Mackandal, born around 1728 in West Africa, he was captured, imported and sold to the planter Lenormand de Mezy at age twelve. In 1752 he fled and thanks to his condition of houngan, "voodoo priest", he became a great ringleader. He was captured and burned at the stake in Le Cap on January 20, 1758.
4) In Mexico for 1910 less than 1% of the families in Mexico owned or controlled about 85% of the arable land. The towns, where 51% of the rural population was housed, had only small portions of land and most of it depended on neighboring haciendas. In addition, the laws and the national situation favored landowners, as they were the only ones with access to credit and irrigation projects for example.
5) The consequence of the revolution in Haiti was that in the New Year of 1804 the independence of Haiti (or Ayiti) was proclaimed with Dessalines as governor for life, although on October 8 he crowned himself emperor with the name of Jacobo I. his first measures highlights the massacre of the white criollos left in Haiti along with numerous mulatos. Between 3,000 and 5,000 people lost their lives and practically scarcely remained white in the country.
6) The Mexican Revolution entailed several social changes. In the first place, the Porfirian leaders lost political power, although they maintained economic power, and the middle classes entered the public administration. "It is the moment in which the bureaucrat, the official, the leader are born." The army opened the sociopolitical system and became the main institution of the Revolution.