I am not a bystander. I feel that if bystanders are not part of the solution, they are part of the problem. This is said because if people just let things like this happen, then they will feel like they can do whatever they want and whenever.
Bystanders have the ultimate opportunity to do something about a crime in progress. If you see someone getting mugged, and you have pepper spray, or something, you should help that person. In the end you could end up getting rewarded for this, or maybe your reward will come slowly. Your reward may even be feeling better about yourself.
Kids can help too. In school, there are so many bullying cases. Its not that people are causing it to happen, its that they are ALLOWING these things to happen by not standing up for the person. Even if you don't know the person well or if you don't like them, you can still be the bigger, better person and either tell or stop it.
In public, if you see someone being violated or harmed potentially you should call the police, or, if you can, stop it yourself before it gets out of had. Being a bystander is nothing to be proud of, because ing your head you know you should be doing something about the situation but you don't want to. Everyone can play a part in making this world less crime-run.
Hope you like it!!:)))