Depending on their stature, the people from different classes would have had different opinions about the City Beautiful Movement.
This movement was promoting the beautification of the cities, by building large monuments, big buildings, modern and unique architecture, in order for the cities to look more beautiful, more pleasant. They though that it will make the people feel better and happier when having something beautiful instead of having something that is old and let say ''ugly-looking''.
The people from the upper class would have been on the same frequency with this movement, and they were the ones that contributed to it, and invested in the building of the new and beautiful architecture.
The people from the lower class though, would have looked with skepticism on this, because their primary thought and concern was to earn enough money to be able to have food on the table the next day. This project, in their eyes, was seen as spending money for no reason, especially because those money could have been used to increase their wages and working conditions.