Complete the sentences with the appropriate word in the correct form.
Bold answers:
-Bueno, ya conociste a mis padres.
Translation: Well, you already met my parents.
-¿Ellos te hablaron de mí?
Translation: Did they tell you about me?
-Hablamos de muchas cosas, pero de ti no me dijeron nada.
Translation: We talked about many things, but they did not tell me anything about you.
-Pienso ir al centro comercial.
Translation: I'm thinking of going to the mall.
-¿Vienes tú?
Translation: Do you come?
-No, no puedo ir contigo. Tengo que estudiar.
Translation: No, I can not go with you. I have to study.
-No puedo vivir sin ti.
Translation: I can not live without you.
-¡Ay! y yo quiero vivir mi vida dedicada a ti.
Translation: Oh! and I want to live my life dedicated to you.
-Entre tú y yo, creo que mis padres se van a divorciar.
Translation: Between you and me, I think my parents are going to get divorced.
-¿Verdad? quizás el matrimonio no es para ellos.
Translation: Really? Maybe marriage is not for them.