the aztec's were well known for their irrgation systems in farming along with their unique way of farming known as three-sister's farming. This allowed maize, beans, and squash to be grown at the same time increasing the number of calories for their people (like a symboitic relatioship). They were into sacrificing people for they believed in a sun god and if they didn't sacrfice someone the sun wouldn't return. They used slaves, traitors, theifs, or stole people from other tribes. They had their own language, but as far as mathmatics that didn't really come till later in the greeks time and Europe when that really took off. However, they did create stone tools, arrows, and baskets to help them in their farming and hunting. They had stone arrow heads for maximum force. But new tools and such didn't really come until the columbian exchane with other europeans. They were the strongest empire in the New World and were well-known as hunters and gathers.