The main factors involved in fostering the conflict that contributed to WW1:
Beligerant Nationalism: the idea of engaging in a conflict to show supremacy, a notion where a war effort was seen as profitable, adventurous and many men were eager to enlist themselves to seek glory and fortune for the home country.
The new wave of changes in production caused a surplus of goods and merchandises that caused a strong competition for domestic and then markets abroad.
Militarization and expanding German army:
Together with the Industrialization, discoveries and innovations took place to make armies even more professional.
Imperialism: Rivalries created in the distribution of colonies around the world. Germany entered late into this process, so it was demanding a more predominant role in the areas where British, and French especially had taken control as colonies in Africa.
Treaties and Alliances:
Any local conflict involved the consequent reaction of the allies, balance of power came to form blocs involving many nation states.