I have chosen to observe the artwork by Frida Kahlo "Still Life With Parrot". When you look closely at this piece of art you see that it has lots of shapes, shading, color, and contrast. The lighting was a little jumpy especially in the back two foods that look brown because somehow the food on the right is getting light even though it is behind the watermelon and it is also funky up in the front when you look closer because especially with the oranges they all are being hit at different spots with light. Despite the lighting the shading is incredible. She managed to blend the light to dark very cleanly and it makes the whole art have a bit of pop to it, almost like it is jumping out of the page. There are lots of shapes in this artwork including circles, ovals, arches, triangles, and even rectangles. Finally, contrast, which this piece has a surprisingly a lot of. There are lots of browns that are right up against some reds, greens, blues, and oranges. While this would not normally work she made this whole artwork look so natural between the blending of color, the natural lighting, the clean lines, and finally shapes that are all around us that all this contrast works very well together and in my opinion makes the whole painting better as a whole.