A. abandoned realism in favor of conveying feelings of anxiety and instability.
Rather than depicting the habitual esthetical artworks charged with beauty standards, artists from this period begin to express in works representing the struggles of the time. Some went far to represent distorted figures as the "Guernica work from Picasso best illustrates. Other charged the images with dark colors, little contrast, or just a scale of gray denoting how hopeless they felt. The instability is seen also in works of literature, full of contradictions and despair. Some of the most representative works in the visual arts come from Otto Dix, Picasso, Grosz. Most of the works from this artist in the aftermath of WW1 reflect suffering, agony and a total delusion. Many of the works now serve as a witness to the horrors of the war, that came with as a side product of "modernity". Modern times weren't that great, as artists began soon after to notice. The political protest was carried into the canvas. See some artworks I consider representative: