A. Consistency Theory. 1. "Are you going to go on a second date?”- “Absolutely not! All he did was talk about himself the whole night. He is so self-absorbed.”
Consistency theory argues that people are consistent with their habits and behaviour and won’t change it so much, in option 1 she takes the decision of not having a second date because he will probably talk about himself again the whole night.
B. Stereotype. 5. “I am so nervous about this group project. I have to work with Shawna and she is a cheerleader, they never pull their weight.”
The perception challenge in the option 5 is stereotype because they are generalised assumptions and preconceptions made by a person based in a group view, normally stereotypes will ignore each person characteristics as in this phrase she is afraid Shawna won’t pull her weight because she is a cheerleader.
C. Self-serving Bias. 9. Sure, I was late to class three times last week, but did you see the construction on the way to campus. I did my best to get there on time, not my fault.”
In Self-serving Bias perceptions one will avoid taking responsibilities for the negatives outcomes in his life and blame environment or things around for it, while the person will take credit for the positive and good things that happens in their life. As the person here says is the construction that is making her be late.
D. Self-full filing Prophecy. 3. Sarah was nervous about writing her English paper, so she put it off and decided to wait until the last minute. She thought she was going to do a poor job, so why bother putting in much effort. She ended up getting a D on the paper and told her friend Ben, “See, I’m just not good at writing.”
In Self-full filling prophecy people tent to predict things in their life and as it turns out the way they predicted it seems as a kind of prophecy. As in this option she claims she was not going to do a good job in writing the English paper and put it offs and then get a D grade claiming she is not good at writing rather than perceiving she didn’t put enough effort on time.
E. Personality Theory: Halo Effect. 4. Brandon always dresses so professionally and is very polite and helpful. There is no way he was the one who made the mistake on that project.
In Halo Effect people will make positive inferences about the character of a person based in the impressions they have of the person. Here the person infers Brandon can’t be the responsible for the mistake because he dresses professionally.
F. Recency. 7. “Mrs. Snow is so disorganized. Did you see how she dropped all of her papers in the hallway yesterday? How sloppy! I bet she’ll never catch me cheating on this paper."
In Recency people recall better the latest things or happenings to explains and think. Here the person notes the lately behaviour of Mrs. Snow of being disorganized and concluded she won’t find out his early cheating because of this.
G. Fundamental Attribution Error. 8. “Brain shows up late to class almost every day. Why can’t he get it together? He must be lazy or just not care about this class.”
In Fundamental Attribution Error people focus in their own inner world interpretation of facts and ignores the other person conditions or reality for the events going on. In this option the person doesn’t know why Brain is late but she concludes that he must be lazy or not care about the class without any evidence of it, based in her inner thoughts.
H. Primacy. 6."We are coming up on our one- year anniversary. I’m so excited. Yes, Rob has been distant lately, but I think it is because he is trying to plan a special surprise for me without me finding out. Maybe he will propose?”
In Primacy the person recalls better and more the early events in a list or in a time line to think situations in her life, and recalling less the middle or last events going on. In this option even Rob is distant she still thinks he maybe propose her considering that they will complete one-year anniversary, so the information from the begging is more important than what she has now.
I. Personality Theory: Horn Effect. 10. "I don’t understand why Kaitlyn dates Jeff. He can doesn’t seem to care about school and makes all of those jokes constantly. I wonder what she sees in him."
In Horn Effect people will make negatives inferences about the character of a person based in the impression they have of the person. In the option 10 the person infers she can’t understand Kaitlyn dating Jeff because of the impression she had of Jeff from his jokes in school.
J. Perceptual Accentuation. 2. “I know my best friend will stick up for me when we go to see my teacher. If I thought that assignment was unfair, so will she.”
In Perceptual Accentuation people will pay attention to similarities and dissimilarities, based on it they often will make inferences about things or situations considering this. In option 2 the person thinks her friend will stand by her side about the assignment because as a friend they will show similar thinking.