While Confucianism and Neo-Confucianism share common roots in the teachings of Confucius, they became different as they spread across the globe.
Confucianism was a social philosophy founded by Confucius in ancient China. In this philosophy, tradition, morality, and ethics had high values and shaped how people lived their lives. It was believed by many that if everyone did their part and stayed in their respective caste, a tranquil society would be created.
Neo-Confucianism was a form of syncretism between Daoism and Buddhism. The integration of these beliefs placed focus on profound notions concerning reality and its purpose. It was thought that to achieve moral perfection, one must care for themselves and put their mind in an exceptional place.
How are They Different?
Confucianism differs from Neo-Confucianism in that it emphasizes harmony and ethics in the eyes of perception, while Neo-Confucianism combined Confucian philosophy with metaphysical aspects concerning the mind.