Exponential growth and a type II survivorship curve
Step-by-step explanation:
- Firstly we need to understand what exponential growth is, it is the type of growth in which population of any specie increases at a tremendous rate, constantly. In this type of growth, the increase is an exponential function of time for example, 2 reproduce to form form, four to sixteen and so on.
Population survivorship curves are simply the graphs representing increase in population with respect to time. There are three types of population survivor ship curve, Type I, Type II and Type III.
- In Type II survivorship curve, there is a constant dying rate of individuals of population with respect to time.
Now lets come back towards question, where two characteristics of the population are mentioned,
- Exponential growth of a population of sparrows with each generation.
- Constant dying rate
This clarifies that Exponential growth and a type II survivorship curve is the best option representing the said scenario.
Hope it help!