Coordinator: Welcome and thank you for standing by. At this time all participants are in a listen-only mode. Near the end of the day there will be an opportunity for public comments. The call is being recorded. If you have any objection you may disconnect at this time. Now I’ll turn the all over to your host Gustavo Ceinos. Thank you sir you may begin.
Gustavo Ceinos:Good morning everyone. It’s one minute after nine. And we want to go over the agenda quickly. As I reminded you yesterday the agenda for the Department of Veteran Affairs, Matt Reinhard is going to present instead of Drew Helmer who is our ex-officio but he cannot join us for this meeting. And for the Health Resources and Services Administration we do not have a presentation.
The identified ex-officio from HRSA could not make it. Instead we have Dr. (Hokeman) to represent the agency. So any questions please address it to Dr. (Hokeman) and she will try to get us an answer as similar to the meeting we had in December we had a HRSA rep who was only taking information back to the agency. I don’t think the person was capable of answering any questions during that meeting and the same will happen during this meeting.
There’s an announcement I just sent out via the CFSAC (unintelligible) - the correct link and phone number for this meeting. If you know of anybody who cannot login into the Webinar please forward that email or have them email the CFSAC inbox and I will have the support team email them the correct link.
Faith do you want to move on with roll call?
Dr. Faith Newton:Yes I do. Roll call. (Donna Pearson).
(Donna Pearson):Present.
Dr. Faith Newton:(Cindy Bateman).
(Cindy Bateman):Here.
Dr. Faith Newton:Amrit Shahzad.
Amrit Shahzad:I’m here.
Dr. Faith Newton:Is she on?
Gustavo Ceinos:I’m not sure. We’ll send an email. Amrit you’re not on?
Dr. Faith Newton:Yes I don’t…
Amrit Shahzad:I’m here on.
Coordinator: Push Star 0 please.
Dr. Faith Newton:(Jose Montoyo). Okay let’s go through those non-voting liaison organizations and I’ll come back. Leah Williams.
Leah Williams:Present.
Dr. Faith Newton:Courtney Miller.
Courtney Miller:Here.
Dr. Faith Newton:(Ben Suber).
(Ben Suber):Here.
Dr. Faith Newton:Great. So I right now have voting members present as myself, (Donna), (Cindy) and we don’t know about Amrit or (Goovan).
Gustavo Ceinos:I doubt (Goovan) will join us. She was having problems yesterday.
Dr. Faith Newton:That’s what I thought.
Gustavo Ceinos:She’s in Europe. And Amrit I’m going to send her an email. I’m sure she’ll join us in the next 10 minutes.
Dr. Faith Newton:That’s what I think too. Okay so let’s start with Amrit.
Gustavo Ceinos:Before you – I’m sorry Faith. Did everyone receive a copy of the recommendations I sent last night before leaving?
Dr. Faith Newton:I did.
Gustavo Ceinos:Let me rephrase that question. Did everyone not receive it?
Lea Williams:I did receive it. This is Lea Williams. I received both things you sent.
Gustavo Ceinos:Okay. So we’re good to go. It looks, like, if we have some time we might discuss this after Dr. (Raynha)’s presentation from the V.A. or we can do it right after (Savana)’s presentation at three between her presentation and public comments. Correct Faith are we in agreement? Faith?
Dr. Faith Newton:I’m sorry I didn’t realize I was on mute. Let’s start with the agency updates and questions. (Beth Unger) is at jury duty. I’m sure she would much rather be with us. Ermias are you ready?
Dr. Ermias Belay:Yes I am. Can you hear me Faith?
Dr. Faith Newton:I can go ahead.
Dr. Ermias Belay:Okay good morning everyone. I’m Ermias Belay the Ex-Officio for CDC and I’ll be summarizing our agency’s report to the committee since the last meeting of CFSAC which happened in December last year.
Could I have the next slide? First about the progress that we made on the CDC ME/CFS Web site. The Web sites as you may know consist of several sections. The sections for the general public we updated in May of this year, May 2018. And that reflects inputs from the ME/CFS advocacy committees.
And we added a new section. The section is on voice of the patient which was added in May 2018. In that section future stories of patients living with ME/CFS. Currently we have stories about two patients whose ME/CFS which you could see on the Web site. And there’s a plan to expand that section. The healthcare professional section is in production phase and should be posted anytime soon. Everything is ready now. It’s ready to go. It’s just pushing the button and it will be live very soon. Next slide please.