Erase una vez, en un mundo lejano, una princesa estaba en su castillo. El castillo era amplio, tenía una multitud de salas. El castillo era algo antiguo pero tenía su encanto. La princesa era agradable y buenísima. Mientras que su antagonista era su madrastra, era una bruja malísima que vivía en una cueva. La bruja vistaba a su hijastra de vez en cuando , pero siempre era para humillarla. Una noche, la princesa está harta de lidiar con su madre, es en eso cuando aparece una hada. La hada atraviesa la ventana y le pregunta por qué está llorando. Ella, sollozando, dijo que su madrastra le hacía la vida imposible. La hada compasiva le dijo que no se preocupase, que ella se encargaría. Al día siguiente, recibió la noticia la princesa que su madrastra había desaparecido. Ella estaba muy contenta, le agradeció a la hada invitandola a un banquete. Lo que no sabía es que su madrastra no desapareció sino la convirtió en sapo. ¡Fin y colorado, este cuanto se ha acabado!
I have marked the main characters in bold.
This story follows the instructions to the letter.

Once upon a time, in a distant world, a princess was in her castle. The castle was spacious, it had a multitude of rooms. The castle was somewhat old but it had its charm. The princess was nice and very good. While her antagonist was her stepmother, she was a lousy witch who lived in a cave. The witch dressed her stepdaughter from time to time, but she was always to humiliate her. One night, the princess is tired of dealing with her mother, that's when a fairy appears. The fairy walks through the window and asks why she is crying. She, sobbing, said that her stepmother made her life impossible. The compassionate fairy told him not to worry about her, that she would take care of her. The next day, the princess received the news that her stepmother had disappeared. She was very pleased with her, she thanked the fairy by inviting her to a banquet. What she did not know is that her stepmother did not disappear but she turned her into a toad. End and red, this how much is over!